Our office and phone lines will be closed on Wednesday. We will be contactable via email and our online form.

Sold for $750,000 or more? You will need a Foreign Resident Capital Gains Withholding Clearance Certificate.

When a property with a market value of $750,000 or more is sold, the Purchaser must withhold 12.5% of the sale price and remit the funds to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) unless each vendor provides a Foreign Resident Capital Gains Withholding Clearance Certificate.

If your property has sold for $750,000 or more, each registered owner will need complete the online form here and forward us a copy of their Clearance Certificate once received from the ATO. If you are not eligible for a Clearance Certificate, please let us know.

You will need to obtain for a Clearance Certificate even if you are not foreign to avoid having a withholding obligation.

Please note that a Clearance Certificate is valid for 12 months and must be provided to the Purchaser at least two business days before settlement.

The ATO can take up to 28 days to issue a Clearance Certificate. Therefore, we recommend that you apply for a Clearance Certificate as soon as possible.

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