Our office will be closed on Wednesday, 26 February 2025 for the Launceston Cup Day public holiday.
We try our best to keep things simple, but it's not always possible. It might feel like your conveyancer or property lawyer is talking in another language sometimes. Here’s a list of commonly used terms to help you.
This provision is often included in contracts that are conditional upon the buyer selling their own property. It enables the seller to continue to market their property until the buyer sells their property. If the seller receives a better offer, the seller can give the contracted buyer two (2) clear business days' notice of their intention to accept the alternate offer. The contracted buyer then has two (2) business days to confirm or waive the conditions in their contract to purchase unconditionally. If the buyer fails to confirm or waive their conditions within the notice period, the seller can terminate the contract and accept the alternate offer. For example - If you instruct us to issue or you receive a shorter period notice on a Friday, the notice period expires at midnight on Tuesday.
Furniture and other non-fixed items are included in the sale. This can include floor coverings, curtains, light fittings, white goods, TV aerials, and any other removable items such as aluminium garden sheds. If in doubt as to whether an item needs to be specified in the contract, it is best to include it.
Refers to the completion of the sale or purchase when the buyer pays the balance of the purchase price and receives the title deeds to the property together with a transfer of title signed by the seller. Referred to as either completion or settlement.
These are terms contained in a contract that must be satisfied before the party having the benefit of the terms or conditions is bound to proceed with the contract. Common conditions are finance approval, sale of a property or building inspection.
The written agreement that sets out the terms and conditions of the sale and purchase and is signed by the seller and the purchaser.
The process of transferring title to the property from the seller to the buyer.
The buyer makes the initial payment to the seller or selling agent upon signing the contract or at a later date as agreed in the Contract. The amount is negotiable. The payment of the deposit is an essential term of the contract enabling the seller to terminate the contract if the buyer fails to pay the deposit.Duty/Stamp duty
A State Government tax on the transfer of property. The amount of duty increases with the purchase price. Duty is payable by the buyer only. It is paid following completion and before the transfer of title to the buyer can be registered at the Land Titles Office. See helpful links State Revenue Office, duty calculator.
A legal right granted to a person to use the land belonging to another for a particular purpose, e.g. a neighbour may have an easement to drain water across an adjoining property or a right of way for access.
A burden or charge registered on the property's title, such as a mortgage.
A purchaser should always have a final inspection of the property before settlement to ensure that the property is in the same condition as when first inspected and to see that all chattels are left in the property.
Items affixed to the land. Includes buildings and items affixed in buildings that are intended to be permanently affixed. This can be an area of dispute.
Where more than one party owns a property, it can be held between the parties as joint tenants or as tenants in common. Joint tenancy means that if one joint tenant dies, the interest of the deceased passes automatically to the other joint owners. The Will of the deceased joint tenant cannot devise the interest of a joint owner.
The Land Titles Office is the office of the Recorder of Titles. The Recorder of Titles is the statutory officer responsible for providing the community with certainty of title to land. This is achieved by developing and administering legislation governing land dealings in Tasmania. Transfers of title are lodged at the Land Titles Office for registration. Following registration, the Recorder of Titles issues a certificate for the property transferred in the name of the new owner, noting on it any mortgage.
The security is taken by a lender registered over the title to the property as a security for the loan. The property cannot be sold without discharging the mortgage. This usually requires the loan to be repaid.
The documents the lender requires a borrower to sign before the lender will advance loan monies to the borrower.
In order to obtain legal title to land, the transfer from the seller to the buyer must be forwarded to the Land Titles Office in Hobart for registration. The Recorder of Titles will record the change in ownership and issue a new certificate of title in the name of the buyer. If the buyer has granted a mortgage to a financial institution, this is also registered and will be noted on the certificate of title.
A series of requests to various government departments and councils to ascertain whether any money is owed or if there are any proposals for the land, such as road widening or acquisitions for public use.
The completion of the selling and buying process. When the buyer pays the balance of the purchase price to the seller, the seller provides the certificate of title and signed transfer to the buyer. The settlement process takes place at the seller’s bank or if the seller does not have a mortgage on the property, at the office of the seller’s conveyancer. Neither the seller nor the buyer are required to attend settlement but are represented by their conveyancers.
There are no stamp duty exemptions for first home buyers in Tasmania.
However, first home buyers in Tasmania get a 50% discount on property transfer duty.
To be eligible for first home buyers' 50% discount on property transfer duty in Tasmania:
To apply for a first home buyer concession in Tasmania, please fill in this form.
Yes, pensioners have to pay stamp duty in Tasmania.
Fortunately, there is a 50% discount for eligible pensioners who want to sell their property and downsize by buying another property in Tasmania.
To be eligible for this duty concession, at least one of the purchasers/transferees:
* The Commissioner has the discretion to vary this requirement in some circumstances.
A system or type of land title ownership. A strata scheme is a particular type of development that divides a parcel of land into “lots” and “common property” and which specifies a system of management, commonly known as a “body corporate”. This is a common type of title for residential units.
Where more than one party owns a property, it can be held between the parties as joint tenants or as tenants in common. Tenants in common means that the parties have separate shares or interests in the property. The shares or interests need not be equal. Each owner’s share can be devised by the will on their death. It does not automatically pass to the other owners.
Refers to the document signed by the seller to transfer legal land ownership to the buyer. The transfer is in a form prescribed by the Recorder of Titles. The transfer is lodged at the Land Titles Office for registration following completion of the sale. Following registration of the transfer, a certificate of title will be issued in the buyers' name.
When all of the conditions in the contract have been satisfied, the contract is unconditional. These conditions usually relate to the buyer obtaining a satisfactory building inspection of the property, obtaining loan approval or selling their property. Once all conditions are satisfied, the contract is unconditional, and each of the parties is bound to complete it.