Our office and phone lines will be closed on Wednesday. We will be contactable via email and our online form.

Our office will be closed on Monday, 27 January 2025 for the Australia Day public holiday.

Will intake form

This form should only take you between 10 and 20 minutes to complete, depending on your wishes.

Your details
Your residential address

If you are purchasing a new property and the new property will be your principal place of residence, please note the new property address

Do you have a different postal address?
Your postal address
Have you ever been known by another name?

e.g. a maiden name or if you’ve legally changed your name before.

Do you have a partner?

You have a partner if you’re married or have a de facto/domestic relationship.

Partner's details
Are you married or in a de facto/domestic relationship?
Does your partner have the same residential address as you?
Partner's address
Family details
Do you have any children?

In a will, unless otherwise specified, “child” is deemed to only include biological and legally adopted children, and exclude stepchildren.

Children details
Full name including any middle namesDate of birth
Would you like to appoint a guardian for your children?

A guardian has the same authority as a parent and is responsible for caring for your minor or dependent children in the event of your death. Your guardian will take responsibility for your child if all others with parental responsibility (such as a surviving parent) are unable to.

Primary guardian

We recommend that you approach the intended guardian before signing your will to ask the intended guardian if he or she is willing and able to take on the responsibility.

Would you like to appoint a backup guardian?

A backup guardian can fill the position, should your original choice of guardian be unable or unwilling to serve their role as guardian.

Backup guardian

We recommend that you approach the intended backup guardian before signing your will to ask the intended backup guardian if he or she is willing and able to take on the responsibility, should your primary guardian be unable or unwilling to.

Do you have any stepchildren?
Stepchildren details
Full name including any middle namesDate of birth

Do you have any pets that you would like to appoint a guardian for?
Pet details
Pet's nameType of animal
Pet guardian's details
Full nameRelationship to you
Would you like to leave a pet care fund?

Pet care funds can cover things like pet food and other costs to care for your pet. Executors will typically do their best to make this happen, but it won’t be legally binding.

Would you like your partner to be your executor, and in the event that your partner dies before you or is unwilling or unable to act, your children aged 18 and over at the date of the will are to be your executor(s)?
Who would you like to be your executor(s)?

An executor is responsible for administering your estate. For example, this includes collecting assets, paying debts and taxes, as well as distributing the remaining assets according to your will. Your executor can still receive gifts in your will. The Grant of Probate will include a maximum of four executors, even if your will names more than four people. Most people appoint one or two executors.

Full nameEmail address (optional)Residential addressRelationship to you

Would you like to appoint backup (or alternate) executor(s)?

The backup executor(s) will assume all responsibility for administering your estate if the executor you selected is unable or unwilling to act or continue to act.

Who would you like to be your backup executor(s)?

Who would you like to be your backup executor/s?

Full nameEmail address (optional)Residential addressRelationship to you
Do you have any major assets?

Provide details of all current assets, including any intellectual property or digital assets or business assets, and future assets likely to fall into the estate. Include type of interest/ownership. Assets can include property, bank account, financial assets (bonds, stocks etc), superannuation fund, life insurance policy, valuables (art work, jewellery etc), legal or business interests. NOTE: The provisions of a will do not affect the disposal of joint tenancy property or superannuation accounts. Joint tenancy property can only be dealt with if the joint tenancy is first severed into a tenancy in common. Superannuation needs to be dealt with by binding nomination.

List your major assets

E.g. if property, include the address, whether it is jointly owned and if so, the type of legal ownership: joint tenants, tenants in common or owned as trustees for a trust. Please note if you are unsure of the type of legal ownership and would like us to conduct enquiries on your behalf. Additional costs and search fees will be incurred.

Are there any orders or binding financial agreements affecting your assets that are still in effect and might affect the distribution of assets?

Do you have any liabilities?

All current debts, including any mortgages, personal loans, credit card debt etc

List your liabilities
Are you the trustee of any trusts?

Family trust, unit trust, self managed super fund or otherwise

Are you the director of any company(s)?
Would you like to leave any specific gifts, bequests or donations?

Gifts are specific items you’d like to give to specific people or charities. You can gift anything you own, whether it’s a possession or an amount of money. You can also gift a life estate, a portable life estate, or a right of residence allowing a beneficiary to reside in a property. Anything you don’t gift will automatically go toward your estate. There are some restrictions on gifts. You cannot give away: your spouse or de facto's property; proceeds from financial instruments that already have beneficiaries (such as a life insurance or retirement fund); jointly held property where the other party automatically receives your share upon your death (e.g. property owned in joint tenancy).

What would you like to gift?

You can tick both if applicable. You can gift a single item to multiple beneficiaries. You will just need to note whether it is to be split equally and if not, what proportion each person is to receive.


Be as specific as possible about what you are giving so that it is easily identifiable.

Full name(s) or person, people or charity. If multiple people or charities, please describe how the gift is to be split (e.g. equally or 25%/75%).

Is any person receiving this gift under the age of 18?

Note their name and DOB below. Gifts to underage beneficiaries will only vest when they reach the age of 18. Until that time, they will be held on trust by your executor.

Leave blank if everyone is aged 18 or over

Take care to ensure that gifts to pensioners do not adversely affect their social security entitlements.


Full name(s) or person, people or charity

Is this person under the age of 18?

Note their name and DOB below. This gift will only vest when they reach the age of 18. Until that time, the money will be held on trust by your executor, or it may be used for the maintenance of this underage beneficiary.

Would you like to gift a life estate, a portable life estate, or a right of residence allowing a beneficiary to reside in a property?

If yes, you will require a complex will appointment. A life estate creates an interest in the property which may be sold, mortgaged or leased. A portable life estate gives the life tenant flexibility to find alternate accommodation if the need arises. A personal right of residence allows a beneficiary to reside in a property.

Would you like your residue estate to go to your partner, then your children and then your grandchildren born prior to the time of your death?

Tick yes if you would like to leave your residue estate to your partner and if your partner dies before you, to your children. If one of your children passes away before you, their share will go to their children born prior to the time of your death (your grandchildren). If that child does not have any children at the date of your death, their share will be split equally between your other surviving children.

Would you like your estate to go to a specific person or people, and/or a not-for-profit organisation/charity?

Your estate is everything that you own, apart from any specific gifts you leave. Although you are able to split your estate however you wish, you should keep in mind that financial dependents (such as your spouse or kids) may have a claim to part of your estate, and excluding them may result in conflict.

Which person or persons should inherit your estate? (beneficiaries)

Add any number of people.

Proportions for all beneficiaries must add up to 100%. If you would like to split evenly to all beneficiaries, please note 'split evenly' below.

Include full names, relationship to you, and how your estate is to be split (if applicable).

Not-for-profit organisation/charity details

You should update your will if the charity ceases to exist.

Proportions for all beneficiaries must add up to 100%. If you would like to split evenly to all beneficiaries, please note 'split evenly' below.

Would you like to add some notes about your funeral wishes?

E.g. Where your funeral service should be held. Whether you have funeral insurance and if so, details. Whether your funeral arrangements been prepaid and if so, details.

Would you like certain organs OR all body be used for medical/research purposes?
Would you like your remains to be buried or cremated?
Would you like to discuss your will and sign in person at our office?
How would you like us to send your will to you?
Would you like us to store your completed will in our safe once signed?
Would you like us to prepare a Power of Attorney or Enduring Guardianship?

Acceptance & consent
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